
Guys! You can now pre-order the #IslandSongs album on CD/Vinyl in my webshop: https://t.co/1Ev53vTrVp https://t.co/T57ynIP3st
Mosfellsdalur is part of Ólafur’s hometown where he grew up. It’s a broad, green and fertile ground with a large farming community and only 30 minutes away from Reykjavík. Sitting in the middle of a green field is a bright orange house, home to Þorkell Jóelsson, french horn player and recently retired member of the Icelandic Symphony Orchestra.
What do you love most about your instrument?
“What I love most about the horn is its wide range in all aspects. Like dynamic, character and all the range from low to high notes.”
Piano: Ólafur Arnalds, Horn: Þorkell Jóelsson, Horn: Jósef Ognibene, Trombone: Bergur Þórisson
Director: Baldvin Z, Director of photography: Jóhann Máni Jóhannsson, AC Focuspuller: Snorri Fairweather, Sound recorder: Benedikt Árnason, Sound engeineer: Arnþór Örlygsson, Recording Assistant: Þórarinn Guðnason, Production Coordinator: Sólveig Ásta Sigurðardóttir, Transcriber: Snorri Hallgrímsson
Extras: Eggert Rafnsson, Ester Sveinbjarnardóttir, Helga Dóra Steindórsdóttir, Jóhann Ólafur Benjamínsson plus Fleygur the horse!
Guys! You can now pre-order the #IslandSongs album on CD/Vinyl in my webshop: https://t.co/1Ev53vTrVp https://t.co/T57ynIP3st
You are awesome @OlafurArnalds #islandsongs
這次和 @OlafurArnalds 合奏《#IslandSongs》第五週曲子〈Dalur〉的法國號樂手 Þorkell Joelsson 是 Icelandic Symphony Orchestra 退休團員,錄影的地方也是他家。https://t.co/RQ5msHSvaj
Germany watch here: https://t.co/id963VVwx2 #islandsongs week 5
音樂家 Ólafur Arnalds 七週七首曲子計畫《#IslandSongs》第五週樂曲〈Dalur〉現正公開,這次來到雷克雅維克旁的小鎮 Mosfellsdalur 和當地法國號樂手一同作曲合奏錄音,也是他從小長大的地方。 https://t.co/qxReuk3E7n
#IslandSongs V, a really peaceful melody. ? https://t.co/RmOycxiYRM
#IslandSongs - Week 5 is out now! Dalur WATCH: https://t.co/SnsLfK27AV https://t.co/2QHCtscAyj https://t.co/k3eKOTtQrS
https://t.co/B2IOl1kgB0 #olafurarnalds #islandsongs
@OlafurArnalds #IslandSongs Olafurrrrr I need you!!!!! It's monday!!!!!!!!