@OlafurArnalds #islandsongs are always a treat
The lure of the lighthouse brings Nanna Bryndís Hilmarsdóttir, the co-lead vocalist in Of Monsters and Men, together with Ólafur on the sixth collaboration for Island Songs. Nanna is from the tiny, scattered community of Garður on the Reykjanes peninsula. Two lighthouses sit on the wind-battered seafront that will be the setting to Particles
I grew up in Garður and I can definitely say growing up there molded my creativity. There wasn’t a lot to do and plenty of time to be with yourself and your thoughts. So I spent my time playing on the rocks by the sea and telling ghost stories to the other kids and sometimes I would ride my bike to the lighthouse when the weather was nice. I was definitely the strange kid singing to myself on my way from school, and then going into my bedroom to write down the ideas I’d had from walking home. My bedroom was the most creative place.
When I go back to Garður I get the same feeling of tranquility and vulnerability that comes with being a kid.
Piano: Ólafur Arnalds, Vocals: Nanna Bryndís Hilmarsdóttir, Violin: Viktor Orri Árnason, Violin: Sólveig Vaka Eyþórsdóttir, Viola: Karl Pestka, Cello: Unnur Jónsdóttir
Director: Baldvin Z, Director of photography: Jóhann Máni Jóhannsson, AC Focuspuller: Snorri Fairweather, Sound recorder: Benedikt Árnason, Lighting: Viktor Davíð Jóhannsson, Recording Assistant: Þórarinn Guðnason, Production Coordinator: Sólveig Ásta Sigurðardóttir, Transcriber: Snorri Hallgrímsson
@OlafurArnalds #islandsongs are always a treat
I think Nanna was excited too! @olafurarnalds #particles #islandsongs #VI #ólafurarnalds… https://t.co/baZcttxUZj
@OlafurArnalds @nannabh89 #islandsongs OMG how did you bring the piano there?¿?¿?¿? O.O incredible....
*sigh* @OlafurArnalds Week6 beautiful beautiful track featuring @monstersandmen @NannaBryndis #IslandSongs https://t.co/hLVjJEwMZL
Woah! @OlafurArnalds #islandsongs #week6 video https://t.co/4Pgmqpl5n7
https://t.co/LZpdiqj1B8 #islandsongs #olafurarnalds
Just back from a life-changing trip to Iceland ~ so happy this musical genius exists: Ólafur Arnalds’ #IslandSongs – https://t.co/LPfJSHlmYa
Beautiful stuff, but I spent the whole time whilst the video played thinking 'don't lean back ' https://t.co/ZazplJaVzY #islandsongs
¿Piel de gallina le llaman? Qué regalo. Gracias por tanto, maestro @OlafurArnalds. #IslandSongs https://t.co/VDbiRlZyt0